The Jammy is a steel string guitar that fits in a pocket | TechCrunch
Jammy Guitar - Doubting between Jammy G and Jammy E? 🤔 Take a 1-minute test to figure out which one suits your creative process best 👉 | Facebook
Jammy E 2019 White
MIDI Guitar - Jammy-E
The Jammy is a steel string guitar that fits in a pocket | TechCrunch
Jammy Guitar - Doubting between Jammy G and Jammy E? 🤔 Take a 1-minute test to figure out which one suits your creative process best 👉 | Facebook
次世代型MidiギターJammy Eでここまで弾ける!打ち込める!ギタリスト&DTMer向け最新ミディコントローラージャミーEの実力をチェック! - YouTube
Jammy JG-001 Midi 6 String Electric Travel Guitar - Black for sale online | eBay
Red Dot Design Award: Jammy Guitar
Finalist - Jammy E - Portable MIDI guitar presentation at the MIDI Innovation Awards 2021 - YouTube
A comment on the "Sad state of MIDI Guitar 2023" - MIDI Guitar Demo - MIDI Guitar & MIDI Bass user forum
Jammy E: ギターのスキルを活かしたいあなたへ、さまざまな楽器を演奏しよう - CAMPFIRE (キャンプファイヤー)
Finalist - Jammy E - Portable MIDI guitar presentation at the MIDI Innovation Awards 2021 - YouTube
☆クラウドファンディング開始☆「Jammy E - Limited Edition」鍵盤不要!あらゆる音楽を手軽に作曲できるギター型MIDIコントローラーをGREEN FUNDINGで! | 株式会社Glotureのプレスリリース
File:Jammy E-Guitar im Red Dot Design Museum (in Essen), 2020-08-13.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Jammy G Super Portable MIDI Guitar Black | Musician's Friend