USA iPhone 11 Pro スペースグレイ 256 GB SIMフリーprice":65000,"description":"I bought this directly from Apple USA around two years ago. It always had a liquid glass 購入 nano screen protector installed to prevent scratches. It also comes in the original box. You will h
I bought this directly from Apple USA around two years ago. It always had a liquid glass nano screen protector installed to prevent scratches. It also comes in the original box. You will have to purchase a phone separate charger (phone charger and earphones not included). I will also include a black case with an open-ended bottom so an external microphone can be attached if you like to vlog. The phone is in good condition, 気にならない程度と思いますが、傷汚れありにしました。ですのでご了承ください。Thank you for your interest. IMEI 353248107686352 Note: This is a USA sim-free phone that also works in Japan. Unlike Japanese iPhones, the US iPhone can be set to not have any shutter sound when taking photos, etc. UPDATE: Battery is 87%. If phone doesn"t sell within a week I will lower the price a bit. Thanks. 値下げは今のところ考えていませんので、値段交渉は控えて頂きたく思います。 よろしくお願い致します。